Unobhala Wezangaphandle wase-US uvuyisana neRiphabhlikhi yaseKiribati


US Nobhala we imeko UMichael R. Pompeo uvuyisene nabantu beRiphabhlikhi yase Kiribati kwisikhumbuzo seminyaka engama-40 yenkululeko yabo:

Egameni likaRhulumente wase-United States of America, ndiyavuyisana nabantu beRiphabhlikhi yase-Kiribati xa nigubha unyaka wama-40 wenkululeko yesizwe senu kuloJulayi 12.

Ubudlelwane obunzulu bezizwe zethu ezibini ezakha ngexesha leMfazwe yaseTarawa bakhule baba bubambiswano olude. Sisonke, sizibophelele ekujonganeni nemiba ephambili yengingqi, njengokulungela kweentlekele zendalo kunye nokuloba ngokungekho mthethweni, ukungaxelwa, kunye nokuloba okungalawulwayo, ngelixa siqhubela phambili uphuhliso lwezoqoqosho, siqinisa umthetho, kwaye sixhasa ukomelela kweziqithi zePacific. Siyakwamkela ukuzibophelela kwakho ekuqhubekiseleni phambili umbono wethu ekwabelwana ngawo wommandla wasimahla kunye noVulekileyo we-Indo-Pacific kunye nezinye idemokhrasi kwingingqi yePacific kubandakanya iAustralia, iNew Zealand, iTaiwan neJapan. Ndiqinisekile ukuba ubudlelwane bethu buya kuqhubela phambili ukuthanda kwethu ukuhlala kunye kwaye sihlale singumthombo wokhuseleko lwengingqi, uzinzo kunye nokuchuma.

Siyavuyisana kunye neminqweno efudumeleyo yoxolo kunye nempumelelo kunyaka ozayo.


  • On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I offer congratulations to the people of the Republic of Kiribati as you celebrate the 40th year of your nation's independence this July 12.
  • Together, we are committed to tackling the region's most pressing issues, such as natural disaster preparedness and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, while advancing economic development, strengthening the rule of law, and supporting the resiliency of the Pacific islands environment.
  • We welcome your commitment to advancing our shared vision for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific region with other democracies in the Pacific region including Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Japan.

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