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A BAMBA isiKhululo sasimahla 5 | eTurboNews | eTN
Ibhalwe ngu Linda Hohnholz

Honey bee colony collapse is a significant problem for Canada, and globally. Important crops including canola, blueberry, cranberry, almond, pear, apples and more, are dependent on the industrious insect for pollination. Unfortunately, the mite Varroa destructor feeds on bees at adult and juvenile stages, weakening them and transmitting deadly viral infections which leads to colony…

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  • Important crops including canola, blueberry, cranberry, almond, pear, apples and more, are dependent on the industrious insect for pollination.
  • Unfortunately, the mite Varroa destructor feeds on bees at adult and juvenile stages, weakening them and transmitting deadly viral infections which leads to colony….
  • Honey bee colony collapse is a significant problem for Canada, and globally.


Malunga nombhali

Linda Hohnholz

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