Imirhumo yeholide yokubhengeza ihotele eyaziswa kwiCongress

Imirhumo yeholide yokubhengeza ihotele eyaziswa kwiCongress

Consumer Reports urged lawmakers in Congress today to support legislation that would prohibit hotels from advertising the price of a room without including all mandatory fees charged during a traveler’s stay. The Hotel Advertising Transparency Act of 2019, introduced on Wednesday by Representatives Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) aims to protect travelers…

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  • The Hotel Advertising Transparency Act of 2019, introduced on Wednesday by Representatives Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) aims to protect travelers….
  • Consumer Reports urged lawmakers in Congress today to support legislation that would prohibit hotels from advertising the price of a room without including all mandatory fees charged during a traveler's stay.
  • eTurboNews amanqaku ngababhalisi kuphela.


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