I-Russia yase-Saint Petersburg yazisa 'ngerhafu yabakhenkethi'


Umongameli waseRashiya uVladimir Putin wavuma ukuqaliswa kwerhafu yabakhenkethi kwiindwendwe zamazwe angaphandle eSt. Petersburg, eRashiya.

Intloko yelizwe yenza intetho kwintlanganiso nosodolophu obambeleyo waseSt. Petersburg, uAlexander Beglov.

Ngokutsho kweNtloko yeNtloko yaseSt. Iihotele, utshilo uAlexander Beglov, baya kuziqokelela kusuku ngalunye lokuhlala kwabo.

Kulindeleke ukuba imali efunyenwe kubantu basemzini abanqwenela ukutyelela iSt.

Ngaloo ndlela, uAlexander Beglov wagxininisa, kumbindi weSt. Petersburg yanamhlanje kuphela kukho izakhiwo ezimalunga neshumi elinesihlanu lamakhulu anelifa lembali. Amakhulu aliqela kuzo zizakhiwo zokuhlala ezinobume obuntsonkothileyo, utshilo uSodolophu oBambeleyo wesixeko. Zonke zifuna ukulungiswa, utshilo. Ukulungisa, i-Beglov igxininise, idinga malunga ne-ruble ye-17 yebhiliyoni.

Irhafu yabakhenkethi, usodolophu obambeleyo waseSt. Petersburg, yindlela entle yokuqokelela enye yale mali. Ngaloo ndlela, u-Alexander Beglov washwankathela, ngenxa yokuqokelela kubakhenkethi bangaphandle, uhlahlo lwabiwo-mali lwedolophu ye-capital yaseNyakatho iya kuzaliswa yi-ruble eyibhiliyoni.


  • Petersburg, will be used for the reconstruction and repair of the historical center of the city, as well as the development of tourist infrastructure.
  • Thus, Alexander Beglov summed up, thanks to the collection from the foreign tourists, the city budget of the Northern capital will be replenished by a whole billion rubles.
  • The head of state made a statement at a meeting with the acting mayor of St.

Malunga nombhali

Umhleli weSabelo esiyiNtloko

Umhleli oyintloko weSabelo nguOleg Siziakov

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