ISingapore ihambisa abasebenzi abafudukayo baye 'kwiinqanawa zokuhlala' ezibekwe kwindawo ethintelweyo

ISingapore ihambisa abasebenzi abafudukayo baye 'kwiinqanawa zokuhlala' ezibekwe kwindawo ethintelweyo
ISingapore ihambisa abasebenzi abafudukayo baye 'kwiinqanawa zokuhlala' ezibekwe kwindawo ethintelweyo

Amagosa aseburhulumenteni baseSingapore abhengeze izicwangciso zokuhlalisa amawaka abasebenzi abavela kwamanye amazwe 'kwiinqanawa zokuhlala' ezidadayo ezisetyenziselwa abasebenzi bamashishini aselunxwemeni nolwandle.

Amashumi amawaka 'abasebenzi beendwendwe' bamanye amazwe, uninzi lwabo lusuka eMzantsi Asia, bahlala kwiindawo zokulala ezixineneyo Singapho , Owona ngowona mthombo mkhulu we Covid-19 usulelo kwiintsuku ezisandula ukwenzeka.

Abanye babahlali abasempilweni kula maziko bafuduselwa kwezinye iziza kubandakanya iinkampu zomkhosi, iziko lomboniso, izindlu zabantu ezingenabantu kunye neenqanawa zokuhlala, ezibizwa ngokuba "ziihotele ezidadayo."

"Isixhobo ngasinye sinokugcina abantu abangamakhulu ambalwa kwaye sinokucwangciswa ngokufanelekileyo ukufikelela kumgama okhuselekileyo," utshilo uMphathiswa Wezothutho uKhaw Boon Wan, emva kokuba etyelele enye yeenqanawa. Bangeniswe kwindawo ethintelweyo kwitheminali yezibuko.

ISingapore ixele amatyala amatsha angama-233 e-COVID-19 ngeCawa, yathatha itotali yawo yangama-2,532, abasibhozo kubo abathe bafa.


  • “Each facility can hold a few hundred occupants and can be suitably organized to achieve safe distancing,” Minister of Transport Khaw Boon Wan said, after he visited one of the vessels.
  • Tens of thousands of foreign ‘guest workers’, many from South Asia, live in cramped dormitories across Singapore, which have become the biggest source of COVID-19 infections in recent days.
  • Some of the healthy residents of those facilities are being moved to other sites including military camps, an exhibition center, vacant public housing blocks and the accommodation vessels, dubbed “floating hotels.

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