IRashiya isongela uGoogle noApple malunga 'nemisebenzi engekho mthethweni yokulwa neRussia'

IRashiya ibiza uGoogle noApple malunga 'nemisebenzi engekho mthethweni yokulwa neRussia'
IRashiya ibiza uGoogle noApple malunga 'nemisebenzi engekho mthethweni yokulwa neRussia'
Ibhalwe ngu UHarry Johnson

Kwiminyaka edlulileyo, "abachasi bamanye amazwe kunye namaziko egxila kwimisebenzi echasene neRussia babezama ukusebenzisa eli xesha [phambi konyulo] ukukhuthaza abantu, ababethelela kubo," kubandakanya nokusebenzisa itekhnoloji yecompyuter yakutshanje .


  • IKhomishini yeNdlu yeeNgwevu yaseRussia ifuna ukuthetha no-Apple noGoogle malunga nezinto 'ezingekho mthethweni'
  • Ukuthatha inxaxheba entlanganisweni kungavumela iApple kunye neGoogle ukuba 'baqonde imeko yamabango eRussia, utshilo uSenator Klimov.
  • Kukho 'imizekelo enzulu yokwaphula umthetho waseRussia' zizikhulu zase-US zobugcisa, utsho uKlimov.

Amagosa asuka kuGoogle kunye noApple bamenyiwe ukuba badibane neKhomishini yeThutyana yeKhansile yeRussian Federation yoKhuselo lobuRhulumente beLizwe kunye nokuThintela ukungenelela kwiMicimbi yangaphakathi yelizwe ukuba baxoxe 'ngemizekelo emikhulu yokwaphulwa komthetho waseRussia ziinkampani zehlabathi ezikwi-Intanethi ikakhulu ezibekwe i-US '.

0a1a 86 | eTurboNews | eTN
USenator Andrei Klimo v

“Simeme abameli abasemthethweni Uphando kwaye iapile kwintlanganiso yangomso (Septemba 16) yekhomishini. Icala laseRussia linemibuzo emininzi ekufuneka liyibuze. Silindele ukuba nge-10 kusasa (nge-16 kaSeptemba) bazakunika impendulo, ”utshilo uSihlalo wekhomishini, uSenator Andrei Klimov.

Ngokuka-Senator Klimov, Umphathiswa Wezangaphandle wase-Russia, iKhomishini yoNyulo esembindini, iOfisi yomtshutshisi woluntu kunye RhashiyaInkonzo ye-Federal yoLawulo kwi-Sphere yeTelecom, iTekhnoloji yoLwazi, kunye noNxibelelwano ngeMass bamenyiwe kwintlanganiso.

U-Klimov uthe njengakwiminyaka edlulileyo, "abachasi bamanye amazwe kunye namaziko egxila kwimisebenzi echasene ne-Russia bezama ngamandla ukusebenzisa eli xesha [phambi konyulo] ukwazisa abantu, ababethelela kubo," kubandakanya nokusebenzisa itekhnoloji yakutshanje yekhompyutha.

“Ngokuphathelene noku, kukho imizekelo emikhulu yokwaphulwa komthetho RhashiyaUmthetho weenkampani ze-Intanethi ezikwi-Intanethi ikakhulu zibekwe e-US, ”itshilo intloko yekhomishini.

NgokukaKlimov, ukuthatha inxaxheba kukaGoogle kunye noApple kwintlanganiso yekhomishini kuzakuvumela ukuba "baqonde undoqo wamabango aseRussia." Enye intlanganiso yekhomishini, le ndlu yeeNgwevu ithe, izakwenzeka emva konyulo lwepalamente lwelizwe, nge-21 kaSeptemba.


  • The officials from Google and Apple have been invited to meet with the Russian Federation Council’s Interim Commission for the Protection of State Sovereignty and Prevention of Interference in the country's Internal Affairs to discuss ‘serious examples of violations of Russia's law by global online companies mainly located in the US’.
  • According to Senator Klimov, the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Central Election Commission, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and Russia's Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies, and Mass Communications were also invited to the meeting.
  • According to Klimov, Google and Apple's participation in the meeting of the commission will allow them to “understand the essence of the Russian claims.

Malunga nombhali

UHarry Johnson

UHarry Johnson ubengumhleli wesabelo eTurboNews iminyaka engaphezu kwama-20. Uhlala eHonolulu, eHawaii, kwaye ungowaseYurophu. Uyakonwabela ukubhala nokugubungela iindaba.

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