Ukusuka eKapa ukuya eStellenbosch kwisithuba esingaphantsi kweyure


IKapa sisixeko sesibini ngobukhulu eMzantsi Afrika, esinabantu abazizigidi ezi-4 kunye ne-10+ yezigidi zabakhenkethi (2017). Njengeziko lamazwe ngamazwe, itsala iindwendwe ezivela eRashiya, eFransi, naseJamani kunye nase-UK, eNew Zealand, eNigeria naseTshayina.

Ibekwe phakathi kolwandle kunye neentaba, kunye nenxalenye yesizwe embindini, le "Mother City" sesona sixeko sidala eMzantsi Afrika esinelifa lenkcubeko elithatha iminyaka engaphezu kwama-300. Likhaya kwezona ndawo zinomtsalane zintlanu zibalulekileyo eMzantsi Afrika eziquka iNtaba yeTafile (uphonononga ngokunyuka okanye ngemoto enentambo) kunye neKirstenbosch Botanical Gardens (ephawulwe njengenye yeegadi ezinkulu kwihlabathi).

Cape Town 2 | eTurboNews | eTN

IVictoria & Alfred Waterfront, eneempawu ezininzi zeehotele ezibalulekileyo kumazwe ngamazwe ikwayindawo yokuthenga, ukutya kunye nokuzonwabisa kwaye izibuko yindawo yokusukela kwiihambo ezimfutshane.

Iingxaki Zamanzi Zimisiwe

Ngentwasahlobo yalo nyaka (2018), isixeko senze izihloko zeendaba zehlabathi ngenxa yokunqongophala kwamanzi. Indlela ephuhliswe ngayo ingxaki yingxubevange yezopolitiko, ulawulo olubi, iziseko ezingundoqo ezigugayo, ukusetyenziswa kakubi kwamanzi kunye nokutshintsha kwemozulu. Iindaba ezimnandi kubakhenkethi kukuba uqikelelo lomhla wentshabalalo yeetepu ezitshixiweyo luhlehlisiwe kwaye ngoku kukho izicwangciso zokomba amanzi aphantsi komhlaba, ukuhlaziya iziseko zophuhliso, ukutshintsha izityalo kunye nezityalo kunye nokwandisa izityalo zokukhupha ityuwa.

Xa Undwendwela? Kuyaxhomekeka

Funda inqaku elipheleleyo ewayin.


  • Located between the ocean and the mountains, with a national part in the center, this “Mother City” is the oldest city in South Africa with a cultural heritage that covers more than 300 years.
  • It is home to the five most important attractions in South Africa including Table Mountain (explore by climbing or cable car) and the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens (noted as one the greatest gardens in the world).
  • The good news for visitors is that the doomsday forecast of locked faucets has been postponed and now there are plans to drill for ground water, update the infrastructure, change plants and vegetation and expand desalinization plants.

Malunga nombhali

UGqirha Elinor Garely-okhethekileyo kwi-eTN kunye nomhleli oyintloko, iewayini

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